Hello! Hola chic@s, 

Voy a organizar el trabajo semanalmente, teniendo en cuenta las 4 sesiones que tendríamos habitualmente si asistiésemos a clase, para que podamos trabajar, en la medida de lo posible, desde casa la asignatura de inglés.

Aquí iré subiendo videos explicativos, tareas y materiales que considere necesarios. Por supuesto, también utilizaremos nuestros libros de inglés y la libreta.

Mientras actualizan la plataforma AULES, he decidido subir el material aquí  y comenzar la organización con fecha 23/03/2020. Iremos adaptándonos a las circunstancias. Estad tranquilos y no os preocupéis que seguro lo vamos a hacer muy bien.

Espero que todos estéis bien. Cuidaos mucho.

Un saludo!

23th – 27th MARCH


Today you have to:

1. Correct your Workbook, page 41.

2. Read the text on your Student’s Book, page 53. 

3. Copy and complete the list with the blue words in exercise 1.

4. Listening: Student’s Book, page 53. 

1. Correct your Workbook, page 41. Here you have the Workbook Answer Key:










2. Read the text on your Student’s Book. Answer the following question in your notebook:

Are school lunches in the UK similar to your school lunches?

3. Copy and complete the list with the blue words in exercise 1 on page 53 (Student’s book). Do the exercise in your notebook and translate the words. (Sólo para 1 eso A, 1eso D ya lo tenéis hecho – comprobadlo).

4. Listening: Student’s Book, page 53. Do exercises 3 and 4 in your notebook.


Today you have to:

1. Listen: At a café. Student’s Book page 56 (exercise 1). Answer the following question in your notebook.

How many drinks does Hazel order?

2. Listen again and choose the correct words for 1-5 in your notebook  (exercise 2).

1. Listen: At a café. Student’s Book page 56 (exercise 1). Answer the following question in your notebook.

How many drinks does Hazel order?

2. Listen again and choose the correct words for 1-5 in your notebook  (Student’s book – Page 56 – exercise 2).


Today you have to:

1. Do your Workbook exercises on page 42.

2. Read the text on your Workbook – Page 44. Do exercises 3, 4 and 5.

1. Do your Workbook exercises on page 42.

2. Do your Workbook exercises on page 44 – exercises 3, 4 and 5.


Today you have to:

1. Revise the use of There is / There are, a/an, some and any.

2. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 on page 55 in your notebook.

1. Revise the use of There is/ There are, a/an, some and any in affirmative, negative, interrogative and short answers.

Click here.

2. Do exercises 1, 2, 3 on page 55 (Student’s Book) in your notebook.